Year: 2013
Run Time: 93 Minutes
Format: HD
Language: English


After inheriting a home from a recently deceased grandfather she never knew, Liz Jennings travels to the small Texas town of Brockmeyer. Soon after she arrives, Liz receives a surprise visit from a popular Austin conspiracy radio show host named Seamus “Shame” Fuller. Shame informs Liz that he has reason to believe her grandfather may have been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Though she is initially skeptical, Liz soon agrees to assist Shame in his search for answers. As the duo begin investigating Liz’s grandfather’s past, a series of events convinces them that forces are at work to keep the truth from surfacing. Ultimately, the real circumstances of her grandparents’ lives reveal a nearly 50-year-old secret that could once and for all prove conspiracy in the President’s murder.

In The Bystander Theory actual footage taken during the President’s assassination was used in the film’s climax. It is a fictional take on an actual mystery woman who was present at the site of the President’s murder, but never identified. The film reunites actor Brad Leland with a number of cast and crew from the television series, Friday Night Lights.



Brad Leland
Wendy Zavaleta
Dameon Clarke
Rodger Boyce
Dan Silver


Year: 2013
Run Time: 93 Minutes
Format: HD
Language: English